About Marilyn

Words have always fascinated Marilyn—their taste, sound, and ability to precisely capture a word or emotion, and, of course, their connotations. But it was not until her third decade that she thought of putting all this experience and knowledge into writing a book. Letter writing (before computers made everything easier) had always been a genuine pleasure. She loved telling stories of daily life, and friends and family enjoyed reading them.
When she finally decided to sit down to write a book, a friend, Maggie Petru, by asking very pertinent questions, gave her guidance with the plot and helped flesh out the characters. Marilyn then set out to develop the words, sentences and paragraphs of her book.
She is already well into her next novel—also set in Marcher Mills, but ten years later—and ideas for many more are percolating madly and demanding attention.
You will delight in Marilyn’s turns of phrase and challenges she handles so well in writing about Victorian Canada.
You can email Marilyn here
Feature Book

"With equal measures of humour and heart, Marilyn Temmer skilfully writes a world from a bygone era. Her characters spring from the page and make us long for a simpler time when dancing meant a waltz." Terry Fallis
Lavinia and her two sisters have changed their names and left their home town in an effort to escape the clutches of their guardian's brother, Cyrus.
Sam Blake recognizes "his lady" at first sight. But he has no idea that the Spencer sisters are independent, business-owning, bicycle-riding modern women.
See what happens when Sam dons sword and shield and endeavors to save his lady from certain ruin.